IASE 2024 Roundtable


Anne Patel


July 25, 2024

Earlier this month the department hosted the 2024 IASE Roundtable conference. The roundtable came just before the ICME 15 conference in Sydney. This smaller, full-participation conference brought together 44 scholars to discuss issues around the theme of Connecting data and people for inclusive statistics and data science education. Twelve countries from different continents were represented: Australia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Germany, México, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Taiwan, UK, and USA. Participants were thrilled to be at the birthplace of R1 and quite a few selfies were taken with Ross2!

Participants of the 2024 IASE Roundtable conference

Twenty-two papers and four workshops were presented in align with the following themes

Keynote speaker Andrew Sporle brought a much-appreciated grassroots and international perspective about how data for and about people and their lives helps inform policy decisions at the local community level and at the highest institutional level.

Local Organizing Committee (LOC) from left to right: Anna Fergusson, Pip Arnold, Stephanie Budgett, and Anne Patel

Participants are currently working on incorporating the discussions from the conference into their final papers, which will be published online around January 2025. The LOC look forward to sharing all the wonderful ideas discussed with the statistics and data science education communities!

Welcoming first day

Workshop session

The LOC would like to offer their special thanks to the following organisations for supporting the IASE 2024 Roundtable

Interested in learning more about statistics education research at the department? Click here!


  1. Fancy coming along to our Ihaka Lecture Series?↩︎

  2. In poster form↩︎